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Be a Bridge

Be a Bridge

You've probably been in a position where someone you know or care about is struggling and you want to help, but don't know how. Maybe you tried, maybe you thought there was nothing you could do? You likely may not be able to be the solution, but you CAN be a bridge to help them find a solution. Let's go over some ways you can do this.

Be Present

Show up for them. Take a moment to imagine being in their shoes. How would you want or appreciate someone showing up for you? Examples: calling or visiting them, taking them out for coffee or lunch, offering to bring them something, etc...


Let them talk without interruption or criticism. Give them the space to fully express themselves, then ask how you can support them.

Offer Help

Ask if there is a way you can relieve any stress for them. Offer to help guide them to treatment if necessary.

Provide Reassurance

Let them know you're there for them and remind them how important they are to you. Knowing someone is there and cares can help them see a little light at the end of the tunnel they're in.

Check In

Include or invite them frequently. We are social beings! But when someone is struggling it's not uncommon for them to isolate themselves. Involve them in gatherings or outings.

Provide Resources

Offer resources for professional help if their situation seems to require outside help. There is nothing wrong with seeking help and it can make a life-changing difference.

Build Trust

Share your own feelings so they are comfortable sharing theirs with you. We all have hurdles and vulnerabilities and having someone to talk to can be a big relief and build trust in a relationship.

Lastly, spend time together. Time is a valuable asset and is probably the best thing you could give them. Go for a walk, have some coffee or tea, see a movie... your company could brighten their day and make a positive difference in their situation. Be a bridge by simply being there and offering the support they need.

I hope these tips can help you care for someone who is struggling. Life is a gift and we need to support and remind those around us just how important they are to us.

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